Waste management solutions for restaurants

Kuti’s Restaurant group recycles food waste with recycling consulting companies.

Kuti’s Group of Restaurants’ most exclusive and exciting Indian Restaurants, have embarked on food waste recycling within their establishments where the food waste will be collected and 100 % recycled at an IVC ( in vessel composting ) facility.

Kuti’s have four Restaurants serving authentic Bangladeshi dishes along with a site that caters for Thai cuisine.The company entered into an agreement with Greenzone Facilities Management to handle their waste streams.

Because of the nature of their business it was food waste recycling that was paramount to Kuti’s management. Greenzone went straight to the specialists in the area for food waste collection services and recycling, and quickly had 240 ltr food waste bins supplied to all of the Kuti’s sites along with bio – degradeable food waste bags.

A weekly food waste collection service was arranged and staff training was organised so that the staff were all fully aware what source segregation was required within the kitchen area.

Food waste created by food preparation and plate scrapings are the main sources of food waste in any restaurant environment and if these items were put into landfill, as many restaurants do, then the consequences mainly due to the methane gas emissions and subsequent global warming will be harmful to the environment now and for our future.

Kuti’s have shown a high environmental and moral standing by having their food waste recycled and it is companies such as Greenzone, for their waste management expertise, and their specialist skills for this waste stream, that must be applauded.

Recycling consultant Louisville dumpster rentals offers a food waste collection and recycling service to restaurants in the area. The recycling company confirms food waste to be sent. The commercial food waste and recycling company have confirmed that the food waste that is currently collected on their rounds will be taken to the new AD ( Anaerobic Digestion ) plant once it is opened in the autumn.

Currently the commercial food waste that is collected from schools, universities, hotels, restaurants, bars, food producers, shopping centers, leisure parks and company canteens is taken to a local IVC ( in vessel composting ) facility where after a prolonged 12/14 week process it is turned into compost.

A new AD plant is currently under construction and the site from is due to be commissioned and opened by autumn 2020 where the food waste will produce renewable energy.

The state of the art AD facility will be able to accept packaged food from supermarkets along with both residential and commercial food waste with an anticipated capacity of 30,000 tonnes pa.

The local government is firmly behind AD as a fully sustainable solution to the food waste in the region and the “waste review” that is due out in April will support this view. They are firmly supportive of AD for the commercial food waste that they collect from their clients as their preferred recycling option.

The recycling company will collect commercial food waste in the area and will shortly be announcing the ability to collect food waste from businesses in the entire nation as well.

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